Tuesday 22 February 2022

Assembly (23/02/2022)

Anchor : Vinayraj C H
Prayer : Neelima S Murali, Mubeena
National pledge : Neelima S Murali
News Headlines : Vinayraj C H
Thought of the Day : Amrutha M S
Reflection on Thought : Neethu
Speech : Badriya Hassan
Unemployment and Entrepreneurship development
Reflection on Speech : Sukanya
New Word Introduction : Amrutha M S
Convivial - enjoyable atmosphere
Game : Neelima S Murali, Mubeena

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Subject Associated Activity (16-02-2022)

Subject Associated Activity ( commerce) was conducted on 14-06-2022 with informative charts and models related to commerce subject.students of other departments visited the class and their doubts regarding the topics were addressed especially regarding GST, Income Tax etc...